QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.



Triest Transport


Get mobilized with Dot Tel!


Monday, 28 June 2010

Arbeiten mit mehreren Bildschirmen und Desktops

Zwar habe ich einen Arbeitsplatz der für sechs (6) Monitore ausgelegt ist, inklusive verstellbaren Monitorständern, aber die "Vollbesetzung" mit sechs Bilschirmen, fand bis jetzt nie statt. Nur mit zweien.

Es ging auch zuerst sowieso nicht, weil das Mainboard im selbstgebauten Computer nicht mit dem stärkeren Prozessor abgestimmt war.

Zwei Monitore, welche ich einzeln am Laptop anschloss, und in Betrieb hatte, sind mittlerweile defekt, sodass ich nur deren vier funktionsfähige Monitore noch habe, wovon deren zwei noch gar nie ausgepackt wurden.

Der Computer, ist seit einem Jahr im Keller eingelagert, und ich arbeite immer nur mit Laptop, plus extra Monitor.
Dafür aber mit sechs virtuellen Desktops.

Die Ideallösung für Multitasking stelle ich mir mit mindestens vier Monitoren, und je sechs virtuellen Desktops pro Monitor, macht zusammen vier mal sechs Desktops, gleich 24 Desktops, wovon immer nur jeweils vier Desktops mit Vollbildschirm offen sind.

Ich arbeite zusätzlich mit dem Programm "Komposé", und kann so mehr als sechs Webseiten pro Desktop visualisieren:

"Komposé", ist quasi eine Kopie von "Mac OS X"'s "Exposé".

Wir sehen hier die Verteilung von Webseiten auf sechs virtuellen Bildschirmen, und das ist alles auf einem einzigen Bilschirm zu sehen (Laptop, oder PC):

Visualisierung, multimonitoring und "multi-desktoping", sind quasi mein Hoby, um herauszufinden, wie man am Besten und angenehmsten viele Taks online erledigen kann, ohne "immer selbst erledigt zu sein, am Ende des Tages".

Ich komme zum Schluss, das Online-Arbeiten, nicht ohne Offline-Arbeiten geht:
Zur bessern visualisierung von Tasks und Aufgaben, braucht es noch Mindmaps.
(Am Besten, klassisch, von Hand, auf grossem Papierbogen.
Aber wenn man viel Text braucht, mit vielen Unterordnern (Jura-Studenten, zum Beispiel), sollte man trotzdem auch online mit "Freemind" arbeiten.)

Es gibt ja beireits Laptops mit zwei bis drei ausklappbaren Bilschirmen (Panels, Screens), die sind aber schwer zum transportieren.
Ein grosser Bilschirm an den Laptop anschliessen, ist immer noch besser, als drei kleine, oder mittelgrosse Bilschirme zu haben.

Mobile Laptops, sind idealerweise immer klein und handlich.
Wenn man aber mobile sein möchte, und verschiedenen Büros benutzt, könnte man in jedem Büro einfach nur einen grösseren Bidschirm / Monitor aufstellen, und den Laptop jeweils mit dem Monitor verbinden.

Computing, ist eben immer Hardware, und Software zusammen.

Als nächstes, will ich herausfinden, was für eine Bildschirmgösse, ich allenfalls an ein iPhone anschliessen kann.

Dann könnte man ein Netzwerk von solchen Bildlschirmen / Monitoren einrichten, damit Benutzer von iPhones ab und zu einen Halt einlegen können, um auf einem grösseren Bilschirm arbeiten zu können.

Das Herumtragen eines schweren Laptops kann es ja nicht sein: Auch die kleinsten Laptops mit einer anständigen Batterielaufzeit, sind relativ schwer.

Und nun kommen wir wieder auf die Dot-Tel-Domain zurück (.tel): Sie ist die ideale Webseite für Benutzer die viel unterwegs sind, und wenn es vorerst nur darum geht, Firmen, Hotels oder Privatleute zu kontaktieren (Kontakt-Seiten):

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Thursday, 24 June 2010

dialaroom.tel on Mobile Phones!

Please not, that the sub-domain name
could only be
if you create that sub-domain separtely, and move it directly to the "selby folder".
The hotel, that has a paid listing within the directory "dialaroom.tel" would not only profit from its listing, but could also brand its sub-domain name
is no good for promotion, and is not brandable.

Select Country

Select County

Select Village, Town or City

Select a room in a house or hotel

Dot Tel directories booming: here are some fine examples: www.tuxpan.tel and www.talfen.tel, and mayo.tel

How to save time and money for seller and potential client, by communicating via a Dot Tel name

About Dot Tel has a new and interesting article, a week ago, which I just discovered, at:


"Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

When you drive by a For Lease or For Rent sign on a commercial property you may be lucky to make a note of the realtor or the phone number. If you do get one of those, you’re going to contact the realtor and ask the follwoing things: what’s the square footage and what’s price per square foot.

So now you’ve found out it’s 8000 square feet and it’s $60 a square foot. Too big and way too expensive! So you’ve wasted your time and you’ve wasted the realtor’s time.

If, on the other hand, the only thing on the sign was the dot tel name, the realtor would have a prequalified lead when phone rang. “How” you ask?

If you add the price, the square footage and links to the pictures in to the .tel, the customer just has to type the .tel name into their smart phone and in an instant all the key information they need to know is available.

When they “click to call” on the realtor’s phone number that is also available in the .tel, the realtor is getting an interested party on the end of the line not just an information inquiry.

So commercial realtors everywhere – heed my call: Put dot tel on your For Lease and For Rent signs – you’ll thank me for it." End of quote.

How I understand the idea:

A advert (offline advert) shows well visible, a Dot Tel name, for contacting.

The potential client looks up the .tel address from his computer browser, respectively, in his smart phone.

The relevant Dot Tel domain already shows the most relevant information, such as size/volume/square meters, and the price for leasing/renting or for buying.
And offers links, to look at more pictures/photographs of the item/object.

So, then the client is able to decide, if he wants to contact the seller / company that set up the advert/offer. And he can contact him directly by selecting the sellers phone number, clicking, to make a call.

If you have things, cars, boats, houses for rent or for sale, etc., you should publish the related Dot Tel name, for potential clients to finding more information about the advert.

Which means also, that you save money on printed adverts, because you don't need to publish a lot of information, nor pictures, which are both costly.

You set up this specific Dot Tel domain, just the one item (or a few more). And you could still use that Dot Tel domain for other future sale offers, if the Dot Tel name is a general one.
Which means, that you don't have to register a new Dot Tel domain, every time.


1.) You set up a Dot Tel domain, or you have a existing Dot Tel domain, where you place a advert, or put a lot of information that is related to a offline-advert, which is showing that Dot Tel domain name.

You set up a offline-advert, where you show well visible a related Dot Tel domain name, for getting more information, and for contacting the seller.

This option allows the potential client to save money, by not having to make a phone call, at first, or never.

Further, more, if he likes the information he sees on his smart phone, he can continue reading it at home, on his laptop or PC, which is cheaper, again, than using the mobile device.
Nevertheless, looking up a Dot Tel domain, is cheaper, than looking up a heavy weight, and heavy loaded website.

Final conclusion:
You, as well as your potential client saves time and money, and can perhaps, make a mutual agreement on a sales contract / deal (seller and buyer):

You save time, on the phone, as well as advert costs.

The potential client saves his time and money, for saving a phone call, and for being able to select and decide easier, because he can find all relevant information online.
(He does not have to make a phone call, and note the info on a note paper.)

Link to mind map:

Mind map:


Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Why the Dot Tel registry is hindering .Tel's success

Telnic has not made any attempts, up and til now, to work with Neustar to make marketing programs that are carefully designed to build awareness and preference for the .tel domain.

The customers of Neustar trust them, because they know they live up to their promises while providing outstanding technical, security, marketing, and policy support. On the other hand, we can not say the same about the .tel registry (Telnic): Often, they hadn't lived up to their promises for offering new features to be available and fully functionable, within the time frame they had set. But they where however fully bodied announced, in the press releases. Quite disappointing, I would say. Even worse, when the .tel registry surpresses all complaints about failing to come up in time with promised new features, options and services, etc.

Unprofessinal handling of support, customer care, inclusive complaints, marketing and webdesign. Surpressing complaints on the official .tel website, and on other websites, and banning complaintants from the official .tel forum.

Neither beeing creative, nor innovative. Trying to replicate their earlier success (Love Train) with the ridicolous „Treasure Hunt“ challenge.

5. ) Etc., etc.

Basically, the end user would not need the .tel registry Telnic, in its present form, because it proves to be totally incapable to to control and manage the Dot Tel domain.
The job could be done better, by NeuStar, who already is operating the back-end server and offering back-end services for the Dot Tel domain, and has further proven, that it could act as a regitry for multiple domains (.biz and .us).

I do indeed recommend a disintegration of Telnic within the whole constellation (end user, registrar and registry/front-end and back-end server, etc.). In other words: Telnic should sell its business and assets to NeuStar, and look for some other sort of occupation, where it won't permanently create confusion and frustration amongst end users of computing.

See also:

Tea Clipper Newsletter


About Neustar and the Dot Tel domain

About „neustar“ (www.neustar.biz) and the Dot Tel domain

About Neustar:
Neustar is positioned to be a premier neutral third-party provider of managed services that enable secure, reliable communication across networks, applications and enterprises – and a global leading provider of Internet Protocol (IP) solutions that connect people and technologies.

About Neustars domain name registry services:
Neustar provides the necessary operational support of registrar partners.
Neustar operates Domain name registries, such as .biz, .us, .cn, .travel and .tel.
Last but not least, Neustars endeavours are to help customers stand out, when they manage their online presences.
Neustar claims to provide robust technologies that firms demand in today’s competitive corporate environment, while providing a particularly valuable alternative for small and medium-size businesses. In other words: Providing .biz, .us, and .tel for small and medium-size businesses.

(Which might be, why Telnic, respectively Justin Hayward, only told the large companies to register a Dot Tel domain, to secure their brand, and do nothing else with it (not even populate it...).

However, according to Neustar and Telnic, large businesse where never meant to use a Dot Tel domain, but just to have one, with a sole function, to secure the companies brand name.

Already a while ago, Neustar started to serve the global .biz community by delivering International Domain Names (IDNs) in 15 language character sets, including Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian.

(And offers the same service for the Dot Tel domain, since a few weeks.)

.us is gaining in popularity as a social media domain name, thereby heightening its appeal and relevance, especially for younger users, groups and associations. Many businesses and organizations have purchased .biz or .us domain names either as their primary domain, or as a brand protection measure.

Some businesses have purchased .tel domain names either as their primary domain, or as a brand protection measure (and in many cases, only because this was recommended by the .tel registry).

A number of high-profile foreign companies doing business in this country have begun promoting their .us extension as their primary website for the American market, which gives them a “local” presence in the United States. For example „Air France“ with „www.airfrance.us“, which gets a lot of traffic...

Neustar works with you to make your business a success through marketing programs that have been carefully designed to build awareness and preference for the .biz and .us domains.

So maybe the .tel domain will follow...?

The customers of Neustar trust them, because they know we live up to our promises while providing outstanding technical, security, marketing, and policy support. On the other hand, we can not say the same about the .tel registry (Telnic): Often, they hadn't lived up to their promises for offering new features to be available and fully functionable, within the time frame they had set. But they where however fully bodied announced, in the press releases. Quite disappointing, I would say. Even worse, when the .tel registry surpresses all complaints about failures to come up in time with promised new features, options and services, etc.

Neustar operates the authoritative registries of Internet domain names for the .biz, .us, .tel and .travel top-level domains. They also provide international registry gateways for China’s .cn and Taiwan’s .tw country-code top-level domains. All Internet communications routing to any of these domains must query a copy of their directory to ensure that the communication is routed to the appropriate destination.

Further thoughts:
.tel probably won't get more popular than .us or .biz, it is in the hands of the same technical service provider: Neustar.
Neustars endeavours are to provide a smooth and good technical functionality for the dot Tel domain (.tel).
However, Telnic, the registry, who tries to improve the domain, only makes things worse, by taking the wrong steps, or taking too long to achieve something newly announced. And then again, if thing don't work, like they are supposed to work, users get frustrated. Which has all in all a negative impact on the Dot Tel domain and image.
Telnic is practicing false economy, by saving on professional staff, and letting quasi allrounders do all the tasks (programming, forum moderating, customer relations, etc.).
So, it is quite a mess on the Telnic side, but Neustar services enable a certain quality standart and stability.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Sotheby's "Bid now Online Bidding auctions"


New York 19 May

* American Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture

New York 20 May

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London 26 May

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London 02 June

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London 02 June

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New York 03 June

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London 09 June

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New York 11 June

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New York 16 June

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New York 17 June

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New York 17 June

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New York 18 June

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A letter from Buffalo Bill



Thursday, 17 June 2010

"The Daily Onliner" Girl of the week

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Technology for war: And at whom do you think, will they be shooting at?...

Monday, 14 June 2010


The Wandervogel Project

This project is about how to become similar to a bird of passage. Which should be looked upon as a more natural wise way to live.

It is about simply to have residence, where climate is most pleasant. Like: In Automne and Winter rather warm, and in Summer not too hot.

If we really look at a birds way, we can conclude:

--> Regular shift from A to B.

--> No lugage.

--> No fees or costs for transportation.

--> No fees or costs for residence.

--> Distance is no big issue.

--> Indipendant travelar / voyager.

If we want to subsume and simplfy, we could basically say:

Destinations (A, B, and C, etc.) have to offer a existing infrastructure, so that no luggage is required.

The places must be either cheap, affordable or even free to stay there.

You don't stay like one or two weeks, but you stay there a few months.

There are no or only minor costs for traveling.

Further thoughts:

To cut down or avoid the costs of logging and traveling, there is the possibility of swapping goods and services:

For example, you could.

--> temporarily swap your residence. Or sublet it, for the time away.

--> Join a ride sharing, car pool, or other transport sharing.

However, as you can't escape the monitäry system completely, you could just try to keep it as cheap as possible.

--> During time of residence, you could work online, and earn some money to cover your expenses.

Basic problems:
You must continue paying your apartment rent, even if you are away. Whereas a bird of passage does not have to pay for a area has no residence. Or for the residence, he stayed previously.

The "exchange solution" would solve the cost problem.


Study the habits and routines of birds of passage, and try to live in a similar way.


Project Personal Directory

Starting out with this layout:

Definition of "click to use icons" for doing daily, weekly and monthly task:
(bubbl mind map)


The Task Visualizer

Category 1:
Revenues / auctions / sales
(swapping, flea market, online item auctions, online Internet domain auctions, watch auctions, art auctions).

Category 2:
Online money transfers
(online bankine and online payments)

Category 3:
Computer, programms and online services
(Internet access, external content storage, web design, web shops, hardware, holidays and services).

Categroy 4:
Computer, mobility, communication, online services and online info
(Sozializing, communications, knowledge, services, business, hardware).


Updating Firefox with Linux-Debian

Simply use the use the shell konsole as root, and give in the following command:

----------- apt-get install firefox -------------





Sunday, 13 June 2010





Upcoming Auctions


Telecom/Mobile & Technology Jun 08, 2010 9:00 AM ET Jun 15, 2010 12:15 PM ET Join the auction in progress!

Shopping & eCommerce Jul 13, 2010 9:00 AM PT Jul 20, 2010 12:15 PM PT Submissions now open!

Recreation & Toys & Games Aug 10, 2010 9:00 AM PT Aug 17, 2010 12:15 PM PT Submissions now open!

Networking & Dating & Family Sep 14, 2010 9:00 AM PT Sep 21, 2010 12:15 PM PT Submissions now open!

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1 to 4 Character/ 1 Word ccTLDs Dec 14, 2010 9:00 AM PT Dec 21, 2010 12:15 PM PT Submissions now open!

Shopping & eCommerce Auction

Submission deadline: June 29, 2010
Catalog available: Week of July 6, 2010
Auction begins: Tuesday, 7/13 at noon Eastern Time / 9 a.m. Pacific Time
Auction ends: Tuesday, 7/20 at 3:15 p.m. Eastern Time / 12:15 p.m. Pacific Time


Auction Updates

The July Showcase Auction spotlights the best hand-picked, Shopping & eCommerce domains.

We are currently accepting domain-name submissions for the July Showcase Auction. Although we are highlighting Shopping & eCommerce domains, we will also consider domains from any category or with a web site that meet the criteria below.

Submission criteria:

* One- or two-generic word domains.

* 1-4 character domains.

* Domains in popular e-commerce and search-engine categories (such as finance, travel, debt relief, jobs or shopping) are preferred.

* Must be easy-to-remember and easy-to-spell words or phrases.

* No typos, trademarks, hyphenated or adult domains.

* Domain traffic and revenue data should be included whenever possible.

* Domains that include assets such as a web site, trademarks, copyrights, etc should be noted in the submission form.

Please note that if you are submitting a domain name that went unsold at a previous Moniker or SnapNames auction, we require you to lower the reserve price in order for us to consider it for an upcoming auction. A lower reserve price helps to spark more interest and bidding, thereby increasing your chances of a successful auction.

Submission deadline: June 29, 2010
Catalog available: Week of July 6, 2010
Auction begins: Tuesday, 7/13 at noon Eastern Time / 9 a.m. Pacific Time
Auction ends: Tuesday, 7/20 at 3:15 p.m. Eastern Time / 12:15 p.m. Pacific Time


Show Case Domain Auctions / Gaming


Gaming Super Show Auction
Start: 05/20/2010, 01:00 PM PDT :: End: 06/01/2010, 12:15 PM PDT
Auction Results

3cardpoker.com $4,300.00
escapegame.com $1,180.00
gamerratings.com $500.00
jackpots.in $350.00
millionpoker.com $300.00
odds.tv $590.00
onlinepokerplayers.com $300.00
poker.ca $400,000.00
sportsbetsites.com $300.00
strippokerforum.com $300.00
videopoker.gd $300.00

Saturday, 12 June 2010

"Errr..., Sir, we have got some letters from unhappy registrants..."

Friday afternoon at the Telnic headoffice.

Give the man a helping hand: He is from the Telnic management...

"Damn, I should of ordered that lift maintenance service, long ago..."

The Telnic Chief Executive Officer is taking off, and enabling the take off of .Tel

Peaceful Swiss citizens: Think twice, before you move to Switzerland. Italy has more freedom.

Daily life in a small Swiss town: Not as peaceful, as you might imagine.

Friday, 11 June 2010