Monday, 14 March 2011
Fresh ideas about Dot Tel domains
Furthermore, if Dot Tel domains can offer something, that Dot Com domains can't offer on a mobile phone, than Dot Tel domains would be in more favorable position.
Extensions can`t change, but restrictions can be removed, anytime.
Hardly anybody would mind to pay the hosting for a Dot Tel domain, if they had the same freedom as with a Dot Com domain. At the end, they would have the better domain extension for mobile Internet on smart phones. As people would know, that a Dot Tel domain, is like any other domain, and that it offers the same navigation possibilities.
Users used to register a Dot Mobi, only because of its extension: Because they intended to use the domain for smart phones with Internet.
The .Tel registry is doing the same thing: Offering a domain for smart phones with Internet, but with restrictions.
However, the .Tel registry is providing a control panel, for populating the domain.
It was supposed to be a no-brainer, but the friending feature was too complecated, as well as few other things.
Why not deliver a mobile friendly template, without any restrictions? And leave the hosting to the registrars?
As soon as the only difference between domains, is the extension, Dot Tel will win over the other domain extensions, for smart phone usage.
The existing dot tel concept seems to be somewhat outdated. It might of worked well, eight or ten years ago, when it was created.
Dot Tel domains are lacking exitement. And users are used to Dot Com websites.
It is difficult to sell something that is less attractive.
The biggest advantage of the Dot Tel domain, is that it is "low cost" for the domain holder / owner. And users don't know, that using it, would be also "low cost" for them. And so, users other from the .Tel owners, don't care about the costs for Dot Tel domains. They just see a weird and boring page, with some contact information on it, and a penedrant and annoying Dot Tel logo. And say, that the design looks more like a domain parking page.
The easiest and more successful thing would be, to lift all restrictions, and tel(l) the world, that Dot Tel domains are for smart phone usage. Full stop.
And everyone would "get" that, and people would start registering .Tel's, and populating them by a webdesigner, or by themselfs.
Who would care, to have to pay hosting and a webdesigner, if they get a powerfull and efficient mobile website at the end, having a fantastic domain extension (.tel)?
The ten year old Dot Tel concept needs some rethinking and remodeling. Time for change. You can't expect a ten year old concept to be successful, ten years later.
If a Internet domain does not offer more than a landing page and a folder tree, and contact information, than it should be much less expensive... Somewhere around $03,00 (tree Dollars).
Provide a person with a Dot Com address, and he knows, what to do with it.
Provide a person with a Dot Tel address, and he does not know what to do with it.
If every new smart phone had a Dot Tel search engine as default, then everybody would know, what to do with Dot Tel domains.
If Dot Tel domains would be easyer to mobilize, and offer as much freedom as Dot Com domains, then that would be clearly an advantage for the Dot Tel domains.
Ok, I think I said enough, and now it is up to you, to "thinktank" and brainstorm.
The really biggest advantage of .Tel domains, is the fact, that one can set up a mobile friendly Internet domain within a few hours (ok, you say, within a few minutes..), and which is ideal for QR-Code usage (Quick Response Code usage). Because, if you want to sell something spontaniously, and fast, you can set up a mobile friendly .Tel domain, and encode it as a QR-Code (you generate a code from a website URL, for example), and print the code and display it, where smart phone owners can scann it (and click to decode it), and then interact with you and your offer.
Speed, is what matters, and you can act fast, with a .Tel domain, a QR-Code generator, and a QR-Code reader. This sort of interaction, one can only achieve with mobile websites. And Dot Tel is already "out of the box" mobile. No need for a webmaster and a webdesigner, there. And the "no need", would be a time saver and advantage, in connection with QR-Code usage. Again: Time saving matters.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Dot Tel domains: Review.
I agree with many of his statements, especially, about the .tel domain registry Telnic. And I can hear a lot of disappointment within his comments.
How good is the communication between Telnic and the holders of .tel domains?: The call for a professional webdesigner for the Dot Tel interface and look, had never been realized.
Bill put the question, once again, if one should renew or drop the .tel domains, and he tends to not renew most of them, due to his „uncertain future for .tel“ vision. Bills comments are easy to follow and understand, according to common sense. However, investors should aim a long term strategy of about five years, and then make a decision to drop the .tel domains, or not. If you don't think in long terms, you are not investing. Neither are you investing, if you are not taking financial risks.
Besides all the improvements for the look and the promotion of .Tel that could have been done, but haven't been done, and after ca. two years, since online, .Tel is clearly underestimated, undervalued, and hardly, or not understood. The Dot Tel domain is a Internet landing page for contact and business information, and a lot more. The domain works partly „out of the box“, and can be, on the other part, configured, with a bit of nitty gritty work, to a efficient SEO booster, and a domain that gets found in Internet.
I doubt that any .tel domain with an good name is a waste of money, if used and kept up to date.
Dot Tel domains are here to stay. The key is public education, but which hasn't taken place on a grand scale.
The monitary system is not favorable for long term investments: It depends strongly on short term profits. Every one thinking, they could make short term profits with .tel domains, must give up those expectations. The value of a domain, is not the value in form of money, that you can cash in, at a given time. With time, certain domains get sought after, by a few people, who know what they could do with them. Offer them, where there is competition from other bidders: At an live auction.
If we drop a .tel domain, or sell it under value, we lose in the long term, but save expenses in the short term: So what do you prefer, and what can you afford?
Even Dot Biz and Dot Mobi will become established and accepted by a wider audience. The are late comers, same as Dot Tel.
Now, imagine, you could just buy a domain, without having to renenew it every year...: No droped domains, would be the result.
Now imagine, Dot Tel's would cost only $5 instead of $10 ( price): The result would be....: Less droped domains. Both szenarios sound like fair deals.
For a reseller, or for a domainer with a large portfolio, the domain prices are probably too high, for uncertain long term investments: Why don't the domain registries take such a fact into account, with non-established domain creations?
The decisions are always based on financial thoughts and related to current market prices.
Basically, a good domain name and ranking, has nothing to do with money. And money shouldn't spoil the success, potential and fun.
As I once pointet out: The domain extension ".tel", is probably the best of all existing domain extension, by just looking at the extension itself. And no other existing domain name extension suits better for mobile phone computing.
People have never asked, what sense the domain name extension ".com" makes: But ".com" just got accepted and established with time, by the masses. ".com" could either mean "communication", "commerce", "company", "computing", whatever.
With ".tel", I think, people can't easily make the bridge from Internet domain to telephone, respectively, why should a website URL have a extension, that reminds you of "tel-ephone"?
As soon as Internet and the smart phone become a natural related thing, there might be a run after anything, that eases mobile communication. Inclusive "Dot Tel" domains.
If the couple "Internet" and "smart phone" is no no-brainer yet to mainstream, why should the Dot Tel registry Telnic make much effort to educate mainstream about Dot Tel?
Looking at it that way, and in that aspect, you couldn't blame Telnic, for beeing as passive, as it has been, up and till now. Telnic is not bigh enough, to take such a finacial risk, as such promotion would not just cost one million Dollars, but at least five or ten million Dollars.
By just having a lot of "drops" (droped .tel domains), the financial losses, are still kept at the smallest possible. And financial recovery is possible, anytime, within reasonable time.
Therefore, Telnic is far, from "missing the boat". And all chances are fully intact.
Dot Tel, will pick up, with time. And it will be the overall development in the world of mobile communication, that will decide about the success of the Dot Tel domain.
Of course, and nevertheless, Telnic should change a few things now, at present, and not postpone those. You might be able to say, what that should be. But I am not quite sure.
I think the registry, as well as the domain holders, are a bit overextended. And decisions and actions taken, on both sides, are either taken too carefully, or too hastily, but neither appropriate.
So, who is to blame?: I think, the basic problem are high costs for calling and surfing on a smart mobile phone, which hinders mainstream owners of mobile phones, to access the Internet from their mobile phones, or access Internet, more often. Roaming costs, or still far too expensive.
And people don't know, that .Tel pages the sites that can be viewed at the lowest cost.
When mobile Internet gets generally more mainstream, then that is when Telnic should start making some serious efforts with promoting .Tel, and spending some important amount of money for promotion. I assume, that Telnic does have a successful strategy, even if it doesn't really look that way.
All in all, domaining with heavyweight in the mobile telecommunicaion field, and expecting to make some tidy earnings, and some serious money, is nothing more than a poker game.
Dot Tel domains, are usefull, now, but for for getting tidy earnings through advertising or selling, it is far too early. But you should nevertheless learn all about .Tel, and how to improve and populate a .Tel domain. Because when things take off, you should be ready, and even better: Already established with your .Tel's.
Think twice, befor your intend to drop your Dot Tel domain(s). Act fast, to get a Dot Tel name, as long as it is still available.
Don't forget, that the future of Internet, is in mobile computing, mobile Internet, mobile phones, and mobile websites. Desktop PC's are being replaced by mobile laptops with an aditional bigger external monitor, so that they can be used at home, as well as away from home. And soon, you will be able to interact (more) between your stored data on your smart phone, and your laptop. Let us say, you scan info on the go, with your smart phone, and download it to your laptop.
And so, why will you wan't to give up a good mobile Internet address, if things are developing so promissing?
Herer are some useful links:
Create, print or display a .TEL business card
Create, print or display a .TEL business card with QR Code.
Promote Your Dot Tel Domain: Generate A QR-Code, And Display It, Where It Can Be Scanned.
Advertise On Dot Tel Domains
Hide Your Dot Tel Email Address
Daily Growing Dot Tel Community / New Registrations
Select A Dropped Dot Tel Domain Name For Registering
Articles About Dot Tel Domains
Register A Dot Tel Domain Name
Share Your Dot Tel Domain
Sell Or Buy A Dot Tel Name
Dot Tel Monthly Meetup Group
Join us to learn the advantages for PR and marketing in the dotTel space: The Vancouver dotTel Meetup Group Monthly Meetup.
Dot Tel News
Dot Tel Forum For Naysayers and Supporters
Dot Tel And QR-Codes
Dot Tel Info Center
Dot Tel Self Learning Center And Tutorials
Dot Tel Design Support
Search Dot Tel Contact Info
Dot Tel Business Services
Email Addressbook (Hidden Email)
Dot Tel Support
Friday, 21 January 2011
Monday, 17 January 2011
Free mobile advertizing with QR-Codes at the site, untill, 1. of Mai.
How it works:
What is a QR code?
A QR code is a two-dimensional code that is readable by your mobile smartphone. When you scan a QR code with a QR code reader app it will automatically open a related link on your phone’s web browser. Every QR code has it’s own link.
That’s very cool but what can I do with them?
We will create a sub-domain for you, and upload a QR-Code of your item description to the header-icon field.
QR codes give sellers a way to sell their online items in the offline world. Sellers can click on the QR code in their listing to print it out. Then, if you’re selling one of your items in a store, flea, or other physical location, you can put the printed QR code next to the item.
Potential buyers can scan the QR code and be taken right to the item’s listing. Since your listing contains more information on the item, it’s very useful for a buyer to see. They can purchase the item, or save the listing for later. It’s just another great way to sell your items.
If you want, you can give it a try with your smartphone on any listing. Just enlarge a QR code on a listing, aim the reader app at it and see what happens!
Do you want to sell an item on
Send us your item description with requested price and your contact email, to the following email address:
We will list your item, together with the related QR-Code, that we will generate.

Link zu Annunci.Tel:
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Test the .Tel
How to get a lot of attention and customers for your small business mobile web site:
1.) Get a mobilized web site, or a mobile ready Dot Tel domain (.tel).
2.) Populate the pages (inclusive the sub-domains).
3.) Make an attractive web design.
4.) Generate a QR-Code from your domain name, by using a QR-Code Generator.
5.) Customize the QR-Code, so that it looks cool, by a skilled designer (for example me).
6.) Make a billboard with the code and only a little text on it. Example:
7.) Get public advert space for your billboard at a strategic good place, where there is loads of traffic from pedestrians, respectively workers on their way back and fore to work, or during lunch time, shoppers, tourists, people strolling around the city.
8.) Mount/install your billboard.
9.) Promote your mobile web site in blogs. Use Google Favorite Places, to point to your billboard, office, or shop, etc, with your QR-Code.
Link to Google Favorite Places:
QR-Code designer Alexander, will be happy to design your code. Contact me, via email, at:
My email in QR-Code, for scanning later:
Or scan my email address directly here:
(If you wish to follow my example, then you can generate your
* VCard
* Message
* Phone
here, at )
My Custom QR-Code Gallery:
Promo picture „QR-Codes for the Dot Tel domain“:
Examples, Color without Logo/Brand:
For privat/personal usage:
„Nice Codes“ Series, for tea bag tags and product packaging:
Vintage Watches:
Dot Tel Mobile:
Dot Tel Service Center:
Dot Tel Service Center Light:
Wine Splash:
Wine Splash Two:
Wine Splash Three:
Fish One:
Fish Two:
Triest City Frame:
Triest City Classic:
Triest Color One:
Triest Color Light:
Water Power:
Swiss Watch Dealer:
Triest Color Forte:
Triest Color Forte Due:
Triest Color Power Woman:
Triest Color Piazza:
Triest Bajazzo:
Triest Mystery:
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Friday, 7 January 2011
Thank you so much, QR-Codes (Part 2)
--> Single first names (Ben, Henry, Justin, Emma, etc.)
This is not really addressing maintream. And I hadn't seen any proper mainstream endeavours, so far, elswhere, from the registry.
Perhaps, the „small businesses approach“ or:
--> „Smalco“ and „Largco“ (or Larco?)
should of been an attempt to go mainstream?
But that didn't work. Some small businesses discovered .Tel without any promo from the registry. Because they „got it“.
And so, in the past, there was simply nothing done, for a „mainstream Dot Tel domain“. Nothing at all.
And which is actually a shame, and where the registry had badly failed to „go for it“.
For the first time, there is a chance to bring .Tel mainstream, because QR-Codes are showing up, on the horizon.
These codes work with mainstream, as already proven during ten years in Japan. If... you educate mainstream. But which was done. And done good.
Seems, that not one company had failed, in that environment, because consumers where quickly educated, and codes where quickly adopted, by advertisers, and then by consumers.
Switzerland, seems to be greatest QR-Code evangelist and adopter, after Japan, if you look outside of Asia.
But the biggest players „on their way“, seem to be America, the United Kingdom, and maybe France. America is speeding up, by educating online, in the way of an „OpenSource spirit“, à la Linux community.
And by the way: The .Tel community is comparable with the Linux community, from the aspect of community spirit and OpenSource development by users of .Tel.
The QR-Code points to Dot Tel domains. With hardly any effort made.
It used to be: „Dial my name“ („Ben“), followed by a „.tel“ suffix. But no one did that, except a young lady in a video commercial. And that was it.
Tomorrow, it will be: „Scan my .Tel domain“. Yes, people with mobile phones will get that message. No question.
QR-Codes are so mainstream. If you want to go mainstream with a product, than you will the QR-Code a shot, if you are not ignorant, or dumb. Has any company admitted, that they had ever acted ignorant or dumb? No, and that is why a lot of them failed. Admitting a failure or mistake, or wrong business strategy, etc., shows that you are strong, and that you have character, are a self learner, and a leader.
Small businesses had adopted .Tel, for example, because they are more flexible than large companies, and are able to make decisions much faster, and in a „short cut way“, without too many directors able to hinder a good idea to become fruitful.
Till big companies will be using .Tel, small companies will be already using them for a few years.
The QR-Code, is a direct and short way, to reach mainstream: Just give them QR-Codes of Dot Tel Domain, and if they know, what to do with such codes, then they will proceed in the same way, with any QR-Code.
And no company will be discriminated. Any code of any company that gets scanned, already has the attention from the consumer, and is therefore a potential customer for the provider of the code.
The „sit and wait, and see“ attitude, would not work this time, with QR-Codes. This would perhaps even kill your company, if you think you can remain in the same degree of passiveness.
No: Action is needed. You must get active. And better now.
This is about business, and if you don't get the potential of QR-Codes, after a while, I can't help you.
Not using QR-Codes, would be like trying not to use money in business, as a form of payment. Because money is part of our system, and QR-Codes will become part of our system to. They will make the world keeping go around.
When some other problems seem to hinder economy, than some new ways to proceed, can bring some balance, and let us bypass whatever other problem, so that cash keeps flowing.
Thank you, so much, QR-Codes.
Businesses using .Tel mobile technology: Terra Housing Consulting, Development and Property Management, Vancouver, Canada
Since 1982, Terra Housing has been helping non-profit groups and government agencies to realize their housing objectives. We have over 250 housing projects completed or in development. As well, we have completed affordable housing plans and housing portfolio reviews. We have extensive experience producing studies and papers, and leading workshops and planning sessions. We've worked with more than 130 housing providers to co-ordinate the activities of dozens of builders, lenders, architects, engineers, code consultants, lawyers, realtors and other professionals.
Terra works with clients to reach a clear understanding of their goals and the resources available to them. Then we develop a realistic plan to achieve the goals and implement the plan together.
Terra has skills in financial modeling, project management, capacity building, planning and research.
If your group has a housing problem, we may be able to help you solve it. Contact us for more information.
Mr. Stefan Melnyk is Development Manager at Terra Housing Consultants.

Stefan Melnyk, BA, PMP
Development Manager
Stefan Melnyk is a project management professional, specializing in the development of multi-family commercial and residential projects for non-profit and government organizations.
A husband, father, and, construction project management professional. Enjoys golf, hockey, football, and gardening.
Here is his online business card and contact information, which he constantly updates: Click either on the .Tel icon, or scan the QR-Code (Quick Response Code) to decode, view and store the .Tel page:
Click on icon:

Scan with smart phone, respectively, with a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software:
To read QR codes on your iPhone, go to
To read QR codes on your camera phone, download via
To learn how QR codes work, see
100 E Cordova Street
48 units, High-rise apartment
Client: Bridge Housing Society for Women
1001 Waddington Ave., Nanaimo
21 units, woodframe apartment
Client: Nanaimo Youth Services Association
12075 75A Ave., Surrey
72 units, woodframe apartment
Client: Progressive Inter-Cultural Community Services Society
1254 East 8th Ave.
22 units, wood frame apartment
Client: Lu'ma Native Housing Society
27 W Pender Street
98 units, high-rise apartment
Client: Vancouver Native Housing Society
Bedford Manor
76 units, concrete
Client: John Howard Society of the Thompson Region
C Side
284 units, townhouses and highrise apartment
Client: Affordable Housing Societies
Cardington Apartments
30 units, four storey apartment
Client: John Howard Society of the Central and South Okanagan
Evergreen Timbers
58 units, wood frame apartment
Client: Langley Lions Senior Citizens Housing Society
Four Sisters Housing Co-operative
153 units, High-rise apartment, Row (townhouses)
Client: Four Sisters Housing Co-operative
Fraser Street Transitional Housing
30 units, wood frame apartment
Client: RainCity Housing and Support Society
Liberty Place
20 units, wood frame apartment
Client: Howe Sound Rehabilitation Services Society
Lions View
126 units, wood frame apartment
Client: BC Housing Foundation
Lore Krill Housing Co-op West Cordova
106 units, high rise apartment
Client: Lore Krill Housing Co-operative
Mole Hill
170 units, Heritage renovation
Client: Mole Hill Community Housing Society
North Shore Shelter & Transitional Housing
50 units, woodframe apartment
Client: Lookout Emergency Aid Society
Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture
community centre
Client: Vancouver Peretz Institute
Seymour Place
136 units, High-rise apartment
Client: Affordable Housing Societies
Smith-Yuen Apartments
52 units, concrete highrise
Client: Katherine Sanford Housing Society
St. Andrews Place
27 units, wood frame apartment
Client: Kiwanis Senior Citizens Homes Ltd.
Strawberry Hill Townhomes
64 units, highrise apartment
Client: Conference Housing Societies
The Lux
92 units, highrise
Client: RainCity Housing and Support Society
VCC Students' Union
Client: Students' Unions of Vancouver Community College
Woodwards Family Housing
75 units, highrise
Client: Affordable Housing Societies
Real Estate, Development Manager, Terra Housing, Financial Modeling, Capital Costs, Operational Costs, Municipal Approvals, Housing Consultant, Stakeholder Analysis, Risk Management, Complex Care, Senior Housing, Independent Living
Transportation in Lausanne? Go Public. Part I.
Many modes of public transportation are available in greater Lausanne which can be purchased in a single ticket or pass of various durations and combinations. There are small commuter boats, larger boats, paddle steamer boats, large buses, electric tramways, shuttle buses, taxis (some with ski racks), small trains, regular trains and 2 perpendicular (precisely east-west, north-south) metro lines (one of which is a new high speed automated 4-mile long metro that goes nearly straight up from the shores of Lake Geneva to the top of the city limits with an altitude gain of 984 feet! More on that coming in Part II).
Considering the hills (steep) and the valleys (narrow) of Lausanne, it is not difficult to appreciate having a public transportation system that is comprehensive, efficient and always on time. The foundation of the system which is named TL transport Lausanne (“Transports publics de la region lausannoise”) is the electric tramway – one of the first electric streetcar systems in Europe (1896) since the “Lausannoises” were too soft hearted to force their horses to pull large carriages uphill. That same electric tramway system is still paramount today in Lausanne and is constantly improving. It is affectionately known here as “le trolley”. I lived in Lausanne 10 years without ever driving (I have lots of carbon footprint credits) and nearly always arrived in advance of my gas guzzling friends regardless of the meeting point because the tramways oftentimes have their own lanes on the busy streets. Even living out of town now, I can still hike to a tram stop when going into Lausanne in order to avoid the traffic and near impossibility of parking (even some garages close at night and your car may still be there! Read the hours before entering if you must park).
There is an enormous amount of information about the entire system on the TL website including real time bus schedules and traffic problems, routes, zones (there are many!), tariffs (there are a lot of these also!). These days even Lost and Found is online. I used to have to go to Place St. Francois and look through the boxes of single black leather gloves (it’s amazing how they are all different and my missing glove was never there).
Although most of the TL website is in French there is one page in English with pdf links which gives a lot of general information on traveling around using all of the TL system in Lausanne. However, the following are some good pointers to get you started riding around this delightful Swiss city with confidence on “le trolley”.
Follow the SignsYou can always recognize the nearest tramway stop (usually benches in a roof covered shelter) as there will be a TL sign with the bus stop name and a bus number (or numbers) and a symbol of a bus. You will also find the systems map posted (with zones and transfer points) as well as the time table for the trams stopping there and a payment kiosk.
Place St. Francois is the hub of the tramway system in the center of Lausanne which eventually (and very timely) connects with all the other modes of transportation to some far reaching outlying areas.
Place St. Francois is also the most confusing tramway stop(s) for first riders. Look at the transportation map located at all individual stops at St. Francois to find the bus number you want and then look for that number posted on the roof of one of the tram stops or on a sign and stand there. Since there are several tram stop places on both sides of the street at St. Francois, you also need to know which direction you need to go. The advantage of the St. Francois and some of the larger tramways stops, is that there are monitors that tell you when the next bus of each tram line is arriving. Sometimes there is more than one bus line to get you where you’re going and you can save time.
The best approach to using the tramways in Lausanne is to plan ahead, especially if you are going to change trams.
Ask the front desk, concierge, or your friends or people at a bus stop (they might surprise you and speak English). There is also an Infoline: 0900 564 900 (CHF -.86/min) that may be able to give you specific instructions for your journey of the day visiting Lausanne.
Point to point is fairly simple (if you get the direction right which is the name of the last stop on that line that appears on the front and side of the tram).
The image above covers just the center of Lausanne. Online you can find a more comprehensive map with changeable size and specific location details. So now hear this. I’m coming straight out with it; the systems map is complicated because the public transportation system is extensive in Lausanne despite its moderate size, and unless you really know the city, you will need some help if you have to transfer. But when you look at that systems map, remember that (hilly) Lausanne streets are on many levels and you really need 3D glasses to visualize it correctly. I still encounter challenges when looking for transfer points on the map that are, in fact, at the same altitude!
In addition to the name and number of the tramway line posted on the roof of the tram stop, look for the bus symbol that is posted along side. If it has a hand across it, then you must wave down the bus. If there is no hand, it means the tram stops there regularly.
If you are going to spend some time riding around in Lausanne you may want to download a cell phone application from TL (just need a camera and web access) that will read a bar code at the tramway stop and tell you in real time when the bus will arrive.
Ticket to RideBe sure to buy your ticket before you board the tram. You can usually board at any door (the front door is for people with special needs). Although the Lausanne tramways use the honor system and the driver does not check your ticket, there are occasional “controls” and it’s cash-on-the-spot-expensive if you’re without one. If you end up out in a rural zone, sometimes you must buy the ticket from the driver if there is no kiosk.
There are 100s of payment plans for all situations, number of zones, discounts for age, length of travel time, number of days, special ½ price (on 100s of other plans) for qualified residents, as well as various combination unlimited usage cards with other transportation companies, etc. Do not bother trying to understand the tariff online. It’s incomprehensible. If your hotel cannot help you, ask the tourist office (at Ouchy or the Lausanne Train station). Depending on your needs and situation, you may qualify for a discount or special offer that they may be having in conjunction with visiting Lausanne at that time.
When all else fails, if you don’t go too far out of the city limits, you’re most likely in zone 11 (a dozen zones are posted) and you can buy an adult ticket for CHF 2.60 which is good to go anywhere in that zone for one hour. You can see that this can add up quickly. There is also an unlimited all day card which is, at the moment, CHF 7.60. Both of these can be purchased at all tramways stops in the city with kiosks with cash (basically for tourists, only cash, unless you bank at the Swiss Post Office). However, some of the bigger tram stops in the city have digital kiosks now that take international credit cards. If you don’t want to carry cash and will do a considerable amount of tram traveling, you can also buy a Galaxy card for either CHF 20 or CHF 50 that you can use in the kiosk for purchasing individual tickets on the entire TL system.Taking the Tram
It is important that you have something to hold on to in the tram if you’re standing because besides sometimes jerking, these trams go up and down steep hills and you and your things (like your children) could go flying.
When it rains, the trams tend to steam up so sit or stand where you can you see the monitor up front with the names of the stops (always know the name of the stop just before you want to get off so you can prepare without disturbing people or missing your stop. The stops are not always close to each other and you may find yourself walking a great distance back to the one you wanted.
Tramways and buses do not always stop unless you push the button usually near the door in advance. There are special buttons to push to indicate to the driver if you need wheelchair, stroller or bicycle assistance to be implemented.
Tram Etiquette
- Don’t put your bags on a seat so no one will sit there (that might be a local’s “special” place even if there are other seats!). But if you must, remove your things when the bus is full and put them on the floor and stand with them so they don’t fly around. Many local people have non-paper permanent shopping bags, carts and baskets which won’t fall apart due to a wet floor in the tram. I have found that the floor will only be wet if I’m carrying paper bags.
- Don’t take a seat on a crowded bus if you’re only going 1 stop unless you absolutely must sit.
- Don’t have loud conversations on the tram unless you are under 16.
- Don’t get angry if you run to the tram, push the door button and the tram still pulls away. The driver is obliged to leave as the system has probably already been put into motion and it takes too long to close it down and start over. That’s why the trams are always on time: with or without you!
- Do wait for special needs passengers (bicycles, strollers, etc) to get off before getting on.
- Do help people with strollers get off the bus.
- Do leave the front seats empty for fragile passengers that enter the front of the tram.
- Do work your way to the exit when your stop is coming up to avoid chaos in trying to get out (sometimes that’s not easy to do, especially on a steep hill or curvy street so hang on if you can).
- Do call 0800 805 805 in advance for a “Taxibus Matin” to pick you up at the nearest bus stop to your lodging if you need to go to the center of Lausanne as early as 4:45 AM when the trams are not yet operating (only CHF 4 supplement on your regular TL ticket)
- Do call 0800 805 805 in advance for a “Taxibus Nuit” if you are near certain city center tram stops after midnight when the tramway system closes and get a ride to the nearest bus stop at your place of lodging (only CHF 4 supplement on your regular TL tickets).
- Do take the “Pyjama Bus” especially scheduled for clubbers in the wee hours of the morning Friday to Sunday who have imbibed a bit more than the legal driving limit of alcohol (which is nearly 0). There are 30 departures from the hot spots heart of Lausanne to more than 80 communes in the region. No excuse for driving and it’s only CHF 2 plus the regular bus tariff to pay.
- Do thank the city of Lausanne for making it possible to never have to rent a car and to think of you even when their tram system is closed by offering you around the clock reasonable public transportation.
Stay connected for Transportation in Lausanne? Part II coming soon. Follow me on Twitter where I announce all my new blogs and much more. Bon voyage!
[All Images courtesy of TL transport public]
Tags: boats, bus, Lake Geneva, Lausanne, metro, Ouchy, Swiss, Switzerland, taxis, trains, tram, tramway, trolley, “paddle steamer”, “Place St. Francois”, “public transportation”Thank you, QR-Codes
JuicyPizza Company:
Created a QR-Code for the „Pizza of the Day“ Internet sub-domain info page of its restaurant. But hasn't displayed it yet.
Big question: WHERE DO I DISPLAY THIS (....) CODE?
Answer: Somewhere, where there is traffic, and people around, before, and during lunch time.
Another big question: MUST I CREATE A NEW CODE, EVERY DAY?
Answer: No, dummy: It is fine, to have a code from that web link, and update your web content daily.
Ok: So what happens?:
The code gets displayed in the appropriate size / format, on a billboard.
„What is it all about, I don't get it!“
Listen: Consumer wan't to be able to make decisions upon sufficiant information provided to them, which is easy accessable, on the go.
Randomly displayed codes are ideal, and meet the demand of the modern consumer and smart phone user (addict):
Get short (and useful) information (Twitter concept..., by the way..., but not Twitter...), for making your daily routine decissions, for food, shelter, learning, administration, transportation, communication, entertainment, enjoyment, health, time saving, money saving, money spending, economy, information (news, bargains, etc.), and so on.
Where else, but not here, can the QR-Code exactly meet the need for such updated daily info for consumers?
Bingo! Thank you.
A interesting idea to show your information: The QR-Code tree:
Blue Code: My web content (3) / My Twitter web page.
Red Code: My web contact info (1) / My Skype phone number.
Green Code: My web content (1) / web site / Dot Tel landing page (includes my contact info).
Yellow Code: My web content (2) / My blog (home page).
White Code: My web contact info (2) / My email address.
QR code is a black and white image. Each QR code represent a specific website URL. Smartphone’s camera can be used to scan QR code image and translate into corresponding website URL, text, phone number. You can convert and generate QR code image of any website URL, phone number or any text on the internet. This is possible using free QR code generator tools online.
Online QR code generator tool
1. Open kaywa QR code generator tool in web browser.
2. Click to select ‘text’ from content type option. You can also select website URL, phone number or SMS to convert and generate respective QR code image.
3. Type or paste required text. (Enter Phone number, if converting phone number into QR code).
4. Click ‘Generate’ button to get QR code image. You right click QR code image to copy and paste. Alternatively, grab permalink URL for QR code image,
- Make QR code of website URL
QR code is an image representation of specific URL destination on the web. These are used by mobile users to quickly hop on specific location without need to manually type the web address. For example, you... - How to create Icon from Image [JPG to ICO]
Icons are also usual images, except they are in different format called ICO. You can use any image on the computer as icon by performing image to icon conversion. After conversion, you can use resultant ICO...
Great post! I’m bookmarking this!
good info …
good pointers !!!
Thanks subcorpus. I see from your site that you’re a specialist. Best to you
Well. Not really what I expected, but you’ve created me believe about this topic from one more perspective. Terrific job.