QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.



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Thursday, 14 October 2010

The two button method to promote your .Tel domain (QR Code Marketing)

What is the added value of the hassle of scanning a QR code? The challenge is going to be figuring out what the user wants when they are scanning and are we giving it to them. Is it information? Is it a coupon? What can I give the scanner that will prompt a next step? What are the expectations? Am I adding value?

Here is way how to let the visitor decide, if he wants to scann the QR code, by taking a sneek preview of the mobile web page:


Visit dot-tel-domain.tel:

Scan to get dot-tel-domain.tel on your mobile phone:

Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes


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