First of all: For everyone to understand: Dot Tel is mainly for (small) businesses: "Click-to-call (me)", "my phone number is Rita.tel". It is easy to rember "Rita.tel": Just think of two nice avocados, or simply, "Tita", and "Tel"... (only kidding).
Mind you: You are only fully equiped, with a .Tel. Period. For a full bodied .Tel: Populate, populate, populate, populate...
Who said, that .Tel aint sexy?...

Whatever. Now the hard bit about .Tel:
Hard talk:

What is happening under the Telnic Christmas tree?: Surprise, surprise...
Despite the promissing Telnic Road Map,

The dot tel domain, may be only be one of many other ventures of the members of the board of directors. It is hard to guess, or figure out, what those people are up to,

Whaddar your cards, Telnic?
What game are ye playing (with us)?
and if they are really serious and ambitious about .tel. But they don't give you the impression, that they are. From a business point of view, they look rather undecided,

We have seen, that if there is not a constant boost, than people give up upon the dot tel domain, as it looks like the .tel project and adventure is quasi abadoned and finished.

(Nadya is currently travelling: Nadya Morozova, Director of Community Outreach, at Telnic Ltd, who had banned a few of the most active and important Telnic forum members, for ever, can still make you confdident with her winning smile...) (It is funny: Nadya reminds me of the juggler, above..., respectively, of a court jester...)
But, "game over", now: Seriously:
The way Telnic does business, neither looks like German, nor Swiss business stile: It may be British snail business, though...
Up and till now, it was only quasi keeping .Tel alive, with a little tweak now and then, but without any substantial input or efforts.
I guess the Telnic people have put part of their cash into the housing market, and bought their own office, rather than paying rent or mortgage.

Where the rest of the money may be, if any left, only they are able to explain. And why they have not invested more, or just a bit of money into the dot tel domain.

After scaring away a lot of faithful .tel holders by practicing wrong management, false economy

more comfortable and confident.

(Dot tel holders aint dummies...)
Why can't Telnic make time-limits, and then stick to them, rather then making very vague statements, about future features to come?
There is neither a propper time management, nor any other sort of reliable management, but a large number of so called managers and directors, not making clear, what they achieve.

No: Dot Tel is not "going yellow".
You may say: At the end, it is the results, that count. Very true. Only, have we not seen a lot of great results. The real work is done by thrid party services, such as the NeuStar service provider for registries, or had also been done by Webnames.ca, whos sub company had produced the "Love Train" video.
All these difuse cirmumstances, don't make it any clearer, to see, where the dot tel domain is heading.

If it happens to have any direction, goal, etc.
Just the Road Map, going bit by bit, step by step, is not enough.

Click-to-call: Hello Telnic?
If no significant and substancial input: No output. I am sure the board of directors at Telnic have learnt something that makes sense, in business school, which is not only all about their own profits, that they can make, but also about how to make a company viable and successful. "Cash Flow",

No proper concept, and no accounting that is aimed for creating and maintaining a viable company, is simply bad for any company, and will surely result in a future, where the company's days are numbered.
You choose and decide. But we are only .tel holders trying to understand...
Money for the company, and not for your own pockets. And last but not least, we, the .tel holders want a piece of the action,

that is yet to come. Telnic, make it happen. Now. Or shortly after Christmas. Pull up your socks, pants and sleaves, and go for it.

(Telchina, is supposed to bring the big success..., without having been (very) successful within the British home market...

However, Telchina is showing, that they are very crafty and creative...,

and which is actually a good example for Telnic in London. But it is not the learning attitude: It is the "wait and see" attitude of Telnic. Such a pitty, and possibly financially counter productive.)

Join the .tel twitterers!

And it is the greenest way,

Mind you: Dot tel helps save trees!

Do your bit of the work: Go out, and put on your cap, and spread the word about .tel by word of mouth.

Let it snow, but don't let it be.
Ups!: I nearly forgott: It is tea time!... (For the hard workers, only.)

Last, but not least: British is (mostly) best. (If the Brits don't mess up their product, strategy and company, caused by greed

You sure are able to imagine, now, that there is "a hell of a lot" going on, behind the scene, at Telnics office at Percy Street in London...
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